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About Wisconsin Made




Wisconsin Made Artisan Collective


WisconsinMade Artisan Collective is dedicated to delivering everything you love about Wisconsin to you. We partner with Wisconsin-based artisans to provide an online marketplace for their products. We handle what we’re good at—order management, customer service, marketing—so they can take care of what they’re good at: crafting quality products that define the essence of the Badger State.

Wisconsin is rich in talented, creative people who have chosen an artisan craft to savor, perfect, and share with you. Fortunately for us at WisconsinMade, we have gotten to personally know these artisans, and partake in the products they produce, from bratwurst, cheese, Kringle, maple syrup, cheesecakes, handcrafted metal fire rings, garden ornaments, handcrafted wood products, pottery, books about Wisconsin, and much more.

When you purchase from us, you’re not just ordering the Wisconsin spirit, you’re supporting a local economy and way of life.


Wisconsin is home. And we bring Wisconsin to you wherever you are.

Our WisconsinMade Artisan Collective is nearly 200 strong and we invite you to enjoy!

If you wish to be one of our Artisans, please fill out our WisconsinMade Artisan application.


We all are helping build Wisconsin's local economy.

"Our artisans are creative, innovative and driven by passion to do the craft that they love. When you order from WisconsinMade, you're not just receiving a slice of Wisconsin, you're helping Wisconsin thrive."

- Brad Duesler, Owner and CEO